Monday, July 30, 2012

Blonde moment(s) from the Life of a Redhead (otherwise known as a guest post)

hey there!  i'm sarah from the life of a redhead.  i think everything is just awkward and great.  {i'm known as the awkward redhead at my lunch table, along with sami g, we even have a blog about it.}  i'm a serious directioner, and i think i might die from the infection.  i also love harry potter with all my might.  it's just great.  spiderman is kinda my thing at the moment.  and i'm a bit obsessed with the new movie.  i can't wait to see you around in the blog world!

♥, sarah

Blonde Moments from nonother than a redhead!:

ok, so i've got a few of these, but here it goes:

so, you guys know how at dairy queen they always flip the blizzard upside down to show you how cold it is?  well, i didn't know this, so... one time my dad and i went there and this guy handed me my blizzard and did exactly that!  i thought he was sooo weird!  i thought that he thought that i was some little girl who he wanted to make laugh.  {or that he was checkin' me out, but we can forget that, right?  haha.  :D }  but, yeah, then like 2 months later, we went back and i saw this lady working there do the same thing to this older couple and started laughing my head off.  my parents didn't get it one bit.  haha.  so there's my blonde moment!!  :D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting sarah! you are too funny!:)
