Friday, August 10, 2012

Blonde moment: Rebekah Baird!

Hello everyone!
I am Rebekah and I blog at My Life in Pink. My blog records down my life and loves as an 8th grader! I love all things pink, taking pictures, pinterest, instagram, crafts, and tennis. 
Come stop by my blog and say hello!

I had a hard time thinking of a blonde moment (my sister said I couldn't think of one specifically because I always have them.) But, I finally thought of one!

My family was watching the men's gymnastics one day.
(Notice, all of these guys are 5 6" or shorter! Even the coach is short!)
I made 2 mistakes:  
1 = thinking only girls did gymnastics
2 = thinking that all short people did was gymnastics

I was talking with my family while watching the olympics when all of a sudden I saw these people pop on the screen. I was so surprised- who knew boys could do gymnastics or better yet, like gymnastics! I thought it was a VERY girly sport, so I started paying close attention because I was really interested. On the bottom of the screen it told the person's name, age, and height. I said out loud without thinking,
"So this is what short people do with their life!"
My family started laughing hard, and I soon learned there are way more short boys who don't do gymnastics for their life in the world. Oops!     :)

Thanks Kallee for letting me guest post! And thanks for having to put up with me!

♥, Rebekah

Thanks Rebekah for guest posting! You are a cute girl!


  1. haha. love it! i totally know. sometimes i forgot guys do gymnastics. and then i remember... and it gets awkward. {jk, it's only awkward because, well... it's me! haha!}

    ♥, sarah
    the life of a redhead

    1. It is so weird that they do it! And you are right, it is awkward!


  2. You are too cute Rebekah. Period.
