Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's day!

So as you probably know, Sunday is Mother's Day! What are you going to do for your mom? If you don't know here are some classic ideas:

Origional Home-made card (never fails even if you can't draw)
Breakfast in bed! classic.
Write a book about your mom.
Give your mom something that will be taken to heart like a picture that always makes you laugh♥
You can never go wrong with an inside joke. ( my definition of an inside joke: a really awesome phrase or object that has a meaning that only you and certain people(s) understand and when you say it then start cracking up everyone looks at you funny) It is awesome.  Don't forget to throw in that inside joke.
Give your mom a poem
Run to her favorite store and buy her something you know she will want (note: if your dad is going to buy the present you must go with him because he will probably need help finding something your mom will love and take to heart.)
Sing her a song. classic.
Give her a hug.
Clean your room.
Give her a bag of her favorite things (flowers, candy, inside jokes:), and other awesomness
Come up with something creative like YOU WERE "MINT" TO BE MY AWESOME MOM and give her a mint.
Give her this idea that is way to creative to think of... thank you internet.(below) and even better real cupcakes.

Just a few things you can do to make her day special. Happy Mother's Day mom! If you have an idea you want to share please just comment it.


  1. love this! i also love your definition of an inside joke! haha. SO true!

    ♥, sarah
