Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's a very pinteresting day.

Like Harry Potter, Instagram, Blogging, and all those other goodnesses I am obsessed with Pinterest!
Here are a few of my favorites from each of my boards!
1. If this doesn't make your day, I don't know what will!
2. Oh friends
{a personal favorite of mine is definately this one}

3. I'm a little obsessed.
{I would die if this was my proposal. Harry Potter all the way}

4. Anybody want a cookie?
{One thousand calories of goodness... oreo cheesecake!}

5. Fall
{new obsession is chevron design}

6. Future

{I would die if I had a piano}

7. Fashion Passion- love
{I am soooooo excited for fall!}

8. Makeup lovin'

9. Hairstyles

{my personal favorite board}

10. I call them!
{Like an Irish boss}
{That would be me with the food!}

So here is all my pinterest favs so far!


  1. glad you're enjoying pinterest! it's amazing! or should i say, amazayn!

    ♥, sarah
    the life of a redhead

  2. I am in love with Pinterest! It's Phenominall!!! :)

    Love ya cutie!
