Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A day at the movies!

So today I went to the movies and saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid! It was weird; I don't recommend it. No offense to the people or author. I guess there was some goodness to it! It was funny...ish! Here is some pictures!
Me: Left
Jill: Middle {Harry Potterness}
Rebekah: Right {My Life in Pink}
This would be our strong desire to see Finding Nemo in 3D! Oh Nemo, what were you thinking attacking us with cuteness!
Oh the joys of being blonde. This is the first out of two times I spilled the popcorn bucket. I felt bad so I picked it up! Movies are great.


  1. haha. the popcorn bucket. totally something i would do. he he! see you tomorrow at school!!

    ♥, sarah
    the life of a redhead
